Friday, May 17, 2013

Beautiful Bare

 “We really need to start questioning the products we are putting on our skin and not just assume that the chemicals in them are safe. We have no idea what these chemicals do when they are mixed together, the effect could be much greater than the sum of the individual parts.”

~ Richard Bence, a biochemist conducting research on popular makeup

 Day 5:
It is incredibly insane how dependent women are on their makeup. At a young age, girls begin playing around with eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. In middle school and high school, teens are not even able to step out of the house without makeup caked on their faces. By the time college rolls around, girls have a huge makeup bag overflowing with Bare Minerals, Loreal, Clinique, and Mac products.

Makeup may make you feel beautiful. But in actuality, it can be really harmful to your body in ways that you could ever imagine.
Recent research has found that a daily ritual of makeup application allows for 5 pounds of chemicals are entering your body a year.

 Bence says, “If lipstick gets into your mouth it is broken down by the enzymes in saliva and in the stomach. But chemicals get straight into your bloodstream, there is no protection.”

 The average woman applies 175 different chemicals daily and 60% will be absorbed into the body. Many of these chemicals have been associated with skin problems, hormonal conditions and cancer.

My goal for you today is this: the next time you go cosmetic shopping, choose the organic companies. Or better yet, go beautiful bare.

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